Apply Payment feature
Example Systems
- QuickBooks
- Odoo What are the different ways to record a payment? — Odoo Business 0.1 documentation
- Zoho Record Payment for Invoice | Help | Zoho Books
User Stories
Add Apply Payment feature to the invoicing to allow us to keep track of payments to enter the date, type of payment, reference # and total amount
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply full payment to a single invoice so that I can close the invoice
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply a partial payment to a single invoice so that I can track
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply partial payments to multiple invoices so that I can split the payments across multiple invoices
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply full payment to multiple invoices so that I can mark the invoices as completed
- As an invoice user, I would like to update a payment to edit the reference number, amount, date, etc
- As an invoice user, I would like to update payment application to edit the amount applied to different
- As an invoice user, I would like to see the balance due for across all vendors in the system so that I understand the total amount that is owed
- As an invoice user, I would like to see the balance due for for a single vendor in the system so that I understand the total amount owed to a vendor
- As a user, I would like to see the history of payments for a single invoice so that I can see an audit trail of all payments on an invoice
Credit / Refund
- As an invoice user, I would like to create a credit note (i.e. overpayment) so that I can apply the credit to a future invoice
- As an invoice user, I would like to create a refund for payment(s) already processed
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply a credit to a single invoice
- As an invoice user, I would like to apply a credit to multiple invoices
- As the payment service, I would like to process a payment message from a third-party system in order to track that a payment has been received
- As a user, I would like to enter an online payment (processed through a payment gateway)
Proposed Data Model
- Status (Pending, Partially Paid, Not Paid, Cleared/Settled, Paid, Overdue, Authorized, Received, Refunded, Not Authorized, Canceled, Declined)
- Payment Type
- Payment Date
- Reference Number
- Party To
- Party From
- Total Amount
- Currency
- Payment Method (ACH, Cash, Check)
Payment Application (allows for splitting payments across multiple invoices)
- Payment
- Amount
- Invoice
- Invoice Item (optional, probably not going to implement)
- Billing Account (optional, not going to implement)
- GL Account (override)
Payment Method (already exists)
Payment Type
- RECEIPT (enum)
- Customer Payment
- Customer Deposit
- Vendor Credit
- Customer Refund
- Vendor Payment
- Vendor Prepayment
NOTE: We aren’t trying to turn OpenBoxes into an Accounting / ERP system so data associated with the following entities will be ignored for now.
- Billing Account
- Journal Transactions (we don’t want to become an accounting system)
Design Questions
- How are payments applied to invoices?
- Do we want to just have an Apply Payment to apply full payment for a single invoice?
- Do we need to support full/partial payment for single/multiple invoices?
- What will the user interface need to support?
- single payment for single invoice (simplest)
- multiple invoices per payment (requires selecting invoices)
- multiple payments per invoice (enter multiple payments, either all at once or separately)
- CRUD for payments (might be required for superuser)
- allow a payment to be created but not applied to an invoice?
- What level do we need to track payments?
- invoice
- invoice item (very difficult, probably not going to do as a first pass)
- in other words, does the user applying a partial payment need to select the invoice items which the payment is being applied to?
- Do we need to support overpayment of an invoice - does that happen?
- Do we need to handle discounts and/or credits? If so, how?
- Do we need to handle exceptions like bounced checks, etc. If so, what exceptions?