I just got OpenBoxes up and running and having an issue with the webpage. I am able to get to the login screen then select a location but it loads a blank sceen after that. Occassionally, I’m able to click back in the browser and it reloads the location screen with the top tabs of Open Boxes overlayed and able to click on those tabs like configuration which takes me to the software. I have no issues until I logout and it starts over again. I am only able to do this in a rare event, most of the time, going back in the browser just loads the location screen and I can’t do anything, including after I select a location again. Any help or knowledge on this bug?
I am able to browser to http:serveraddress/openboxes/locations and it does load in the menu tabs so I can move around. Obviously, this won’t look good if we role this out so still looking for help on the main page not loading. I can at least reliable manually browse to a page to bypass the main page bug.
Once I am in, if I ever click on the home button, it does load the blank screen again.
Clicking on dashboard also loads a blank page…the dashboard is what I really liked about OpenBoxes too!
Running locally with the WAR file, was roughly 120MB as of yesterday’s download.
I used Java; azul com/downloads/?version=java-7-lts&os=windows&package=jdk
MySQL 5.7.27; downloads. mysql. /archives/installer/
Tomcat 7; archive. apache. /dist/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.96/bin/
WAR File; Releases · openboxes/openboxes · GitHub
^^^I had to modify the links above since I am new user, can only provide 2.
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.entries (<anonymous>)
at bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:8305
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at t.value (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:8271)
at t.value (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:7773)
at Ni (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:82244)
at Vi (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:85067)
at bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:98147
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:88:3198)
at Lc (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:98081)
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.entries (<anonymous>)
at bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:8305
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at t.value (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:8271)
at t.value (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.22.js:1:7773)
at Ni (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:82244)
at Vi (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:85067)
at bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:98147
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:88:3198)
at Lc (bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js:79:98081)
How do I send you the log file, what email or where to message? The catalina file only has yesterday’s date, does that sound right? I installed yesterday.
Sounds like you’re using windows so it would be the files named stdout and stderr. However we may not need them since it looks like it’s definitely an issue with React and/or webpack.
Can you provide the exact URL you used to download the WAR file?
deleted the openboxes.war and openboxes exploded directory under the webapps directory
copy the new war file in the same web apps directory from the new download link (that link was different than the one I used yesterday)
started tomcat service
waited and saw new openboxes folder in the webapps folder
*Logged in, selected location and got the same blank page.
*Tried again with another browser and got the same thing.
Thoughts? Should I send log files somewhere? Catalina and stderr?
Also - MUCH appreicate your incredibly fast response times!
@Artur@jmiranda - I’m not sure if this helps or not but I saw a tab flashing when I right-clicked inspect, at the top. Expanding it out, it looked light lighthouse. I do not how what this is but it had a troubleshooter and I ran it. It stated the /openboxes/dashboard/index was redirected to openboxes/mobile and to try it directly. When I browse direct, I get what is below; a partial dashboard;
Hi @ryanm
the /openboxes/mobile page should work because it is rendered from gsp template (same as the default login page and the default location chooser). The issue you had with a blank page after login was some weird problem on the react side (part of the front end was rewritten to react).
Have you tried running the other war that @jmiranda suggested?
I am trying to reproduce your issue locally, if I’ll find some answers or solutions, I’ll let you know here.
Edit:@ryanm I downloaded the war from the same link you shared, deployed it on tomcat, and seems like everything works fine there. I tried it on the existing database and on the fresh database aswell.
Could you try opening the blank page you have and click there with right mouse button and go to “view page source” and tell me what you see in the body section, specifically this part:
If I go to the /tomcat folder/webapps/openboxes/js - I do not have bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.js in the folder and in the /css folder, I do not have bundle.317791cf9e0edaff70de.css.
Is it possible my tomcat is loading in the wrong .war or something?
I also have installed a lot of software trying to get this going, particularly trying to get inoERP running. Is it possible something on my computer is preventing the dashboard page from loading instead of the Tomcat WAR being faulty?
@Artur@jmiranda For the screen that is splashed momentarily before going blank, this is what it shows…took me few tried to click print screen fast enough…this flashes for a split second before going blank; Does this help?
@ryanm 317791cf9e0edaff70de was from old war, now you should have bundles with a1b9288c7e04962eb849 hash (looking into your response). Unless you have both /js and /css directories empty (but you should not).
Looking into the screenshot that you provided this means that there might be some weird data issue. I just started the same war with an empty database and on the initial Main Warehouse I do not have any issues with the dashboard. I see that you already created a new location. How did you create it? Are you still able to log into Main Warehouse?
@Artur I do have the a1b…849 & css a1b…849. Both js & css directions have a bunch of data as well.
I’ve had this problem since initial setup & first login. Is it possible its on the database side? How should I clear the database and reset it so it can be cleanly installed again? Or, is this the right path to try at this point? I did create new locations but don’t care about loosing anything at this point. It looks like I removed main warehouse or renamed it. I was never able to get to the Main Warehouse dashboard though.
@Artur If it’s not the database side, can you clarify what you meant by “Looking into the screenshot that you provided this means that there might be some weird data issue.”? Data where?
@jmiranda I stopped tomcat, dropped the database, made a new database (same name) and started tomcat. Now I am getting different error! New error below. I haven’t stopped the service and when I open Tomcat configure, it is still running and Services shows it’s running as well. This seems pretty odd, is there a Ubuntu VM or something I can run on my windows computer to test the software? Ideally, I’d take that VM and put in on our server eventually to…safe to say it’s best to run OpenBoxes on Ubuntu anyway?
INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load . The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact.