Deploy Openboxes to Azure problem

Hey @Todd_Palmer There’s no way to specify a different version when using the Deploy to Azure button. This deployment method only supports the latest development version of the software v0.9.x.

The tech stack for v0.9.x (alpha) was upgraded as part of our recent (on-going) migration project so you’ll need to stick with v0.9.x.

If you want to install a v0.8.x release just use the manual installation instructions. If you have any difficulties post them here and we can troubleshoot.

If you want to modify the ARM template you need to look at the script. After the VM has been provisioned Azure will run through that script to install dependencies (Java, MySQL, Tomcat) and then deploy the latest build of the v0.9.x release.

So if you want to go down that path I can help figure out what needs to be changed in the script to install v0.8.x compatible build. I just won’t be able to do much more while I’m on leave (until sept 5).

Thanks for the response, we will update our build to v0.9x and then try to modify the ARM template and script.

Hey Justin, hope this message finds you well. How’s it coming along?

Hey Ruben

Thanks for the bump. The kids went back to school today so I’m officially back to work. I’ve got a ton of development work to catch up on but will try to make some time for DevOps tasks as well.

Did you make any progress with the instructions I posted a few weeks ago?

If not, it’ll probably be easier to manually install an instance of OB on Azure rather than trying to futz around with the ARM template IaC and Azure CLI.

So let’s jump on a call this week to discuss a strategy for the short term.


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Hey Justin, thanks for getting back to me. Let me know when you’re free.

Hi Justin,

We were able to get it up and running by manually adjusting, thanks for your help and support.
