Openboxes Stock

Hey There,

I hope you are well.

Just wondering how I can reset the stock levels of all items. I have been testing out the system and now there are a lot of false entries in the system.

Is there a way to reset all stock levels back to 0 and remove all inbound movements and out bound movements?

Thank you for the help!

Yours INSKIN Health,


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I think if you go to Configuration and then Data Migration, Tab: Migration. There is an option ‘Delete’. Maybe that?

Unfortunately, there is no option to reset stock levels at this time. You could manually rollback / delete all stock movements individually. If you only have a few, that would probably be easiest way to do it.

On the inbound side this is more difficult if you’ve already putaway items away into bin locations. But it’s still do-able.

I’d recommend creating a new database and starting from scratch. Or you could make the current location inactive and create a new location.

We’re going to be adding a “delete demo data” feature soon. I suspect that won’t cover what you’re requesting so this would likely require a customization.