Product`s stock history tab issues

  1. Incorrect link when viewing stock transfer order from product`s stock history tab

I have created internal stock transfer from bin A to B.
When i go into the moved material and click on the transfer order number, i get redirected to
instead of http://xxx:8080/openboxes/stockTransfer/show/8adfb69a9362b2450193633a9454008c

so the opened page has all the buttons for editing
etc which are relevant for the PO but not stock transfer and produce erratic results or errors when clicked

  1. I have created the stock transfer of product A, bin 7 (was 10 pcs) to two different bins 1 (4pcs) and 2 (4pcs) by splitting the line. But the stock history shows only 1st line of this order (bin= 7>1, credit=4, debit=4). This is misleading or a bug, shouldn`t it show
    either both
    (bin= 7>1, credit=4, debit=4)
    (bin= 7>2, credit=4, debit=4)
    or one (if multiple lines per document are not supported)
    (bin= 7> multiple, credit=8, debit=8)

NB: possible could be
(bin= multiple > x, credit=8, debit=8) or (bin=multiple > multiple, credit=8, debit=8) if there are different destinations or sources.

Same partially valid for putaway orders (displayed quantities and bins reflect only one line of the order in history tab), but once the putaway order is opened it is displayed as expected with correct buttons for this type of order