Great response. Thank you. And yes, the .docx approach is fine with me.
So now, let’s discuss what we could do to improve the “natural flow”. I actually think of this as a “Quick” workflow as it makes a lot of assumptions and helps you send / receive orders quickly. But in addition to this “Quick” workflow I’d like to break each action / operation into its own form / workflow so that we could add more advanced features.
For example, I believe that Picking should have its own workflow. The “Quick” workflow assumes that everyone using OpenBoxes will want to do discrete order picking. But we could potentially pick in multiple ways i.e batch order picking, zone picking, etc. And without a specific picking feature, it’s impossible to do that.
I’m ok with you using the old workflow as long as it works for you. But I’d also think we should try to improve the current workflows (or build new ones) that meet the needs of your users.
So would you mind putting together a proposal about your preferred workflows. You’ve pulled together screenshots of a process that works ok for you, but I’m guessing it’s still not ideal. So I’d like to get your feedback on the ideal process including actors/roles, actions, etc.
- Avoid forms that do not apply to the business.
What are the specific forms that don’t apply to your business? It’s possible we could eventually configure workflows so that you only see what you want to see. For example, the Packing step in the workflow is only available if you have Packing enabled as a supported activity on the current location.
- Obtain the approval forms that are required in the business and that the “Natural Flow” does not allow us to obtain.
Can you provide more details of what this would look like? Is it just the auditing fields like “who did the thing? when did they do it?” Would the process be better if the approval was required by a certain role? For example, the users in the approval role would receive an email notification asking them to approve the requisition (outbound order). The email would include a link to a form where the user would be able to approve the order?
Are there other approval processes that you’d like to see? If you have a business process diagram or flow, that might be useful as well.
p.s. Awesome job with the Spanish translation! Very impressive.