Special locale letters is converted to question mark

is this known bug or is it just for us. That product and other naming parameters doesn’t accept our special letters? It is converted to question mark.

This just means that the character is not recognized by the database. This usually happens when the character encoding assigned to the database or database table doesn’t support . We use utf8 (utf8mb3) by default. I would have expected utf8 to support Lithuanian characters, so I need to investigate what’s happening.

Is this the product name (with special character) that you’re trying to use?

... % suskystintos medicininės dujos

Actually, I just confirmed that it’s probably not the database. Phew. That would not have been fun.

mysql> select id, product_code, name, date_created from product order by date_created desc limit 1 \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
          id: ff80818190eb862d01911660af6c00e8
product_code: 00121
        name: suskystintos medicininės dujos
date_created: 2024-08-03 03:55:21
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If we look at the Edit Product page (after creating a product with this character) the character is rendered as ? twice, but it’s rendered properly in the Name input field.

That’s odd. So yeah, this looks like a bug. I’ve created a ticket and will try to investigate it later next week.
